The physical plane: where the body and mind manifest the whole self.
Artist: Alfred Anwander “Slicing the Connectome” CC BY-SA 4.0
strength training for your brain
A lot to learn and you have an entire lifetime to work it’s fun!
Kelly Howell is a pioneer of audible healing modalities. The binaural beats recommended at BrainSync are transformative. The subliminal waves restore the balance to your body that technology saps away daily. There are many different waves moving about in the ether. The brainsync website primarily uses Alpha, Delta, Gamma and Theta waves. The technique here is to listen to the musical soundtrack and the different waves are part of the background. If you listen with stereo headphones you will be immersed. I have found the waves to be of great value for refreshement during the day, a more restful and full nights sleep, and motivation during exercise. For best results it should be incorporated into a regular routine. Also, the website has sample music so that you can find something that you’d like to listen to on a regular basis.
Loving your Whole Self with Ayurveda
“Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing”. The little book is about 175 pages so not too big to keep in the kitchen. For those who know Atlanta, Georgia history; I got this book a long time ago at the The Wish Fulfilling Tree bookstore.
my personal photo of my first Ayurveda book in 1997
the complete ayurvedic architecture of the body, mind and spirit explained
“The Ayurveda Encyclopedia Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity”
A comprehensive book with extensive food guides explaining properties and qualities for balancing the body, mind and spirit, yoga poses illustrated, ayurvedic architecture discussed for each system within the body. This book can be used to accompany professional study. I find it an invaluable resourse in my library.
Author: Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha, Published March 1st, 1998 at Ayurveda Holistic Center Press, 1st edition Paperback 686 pages, ISBN: 0965804224
Regular Physical Exercise
Try finding a sport or activity for each season of the year. Exercise is a great enhancer of community building while achieving a balance with nature within yourself. Don’t worry if you can’t do it all in one year. Make the change and look forward to the variety and new things in your life as you live it in the present.
Essential to any sport is a foundation of weight resistance exercise. Lifting weights will not only make you stronger but it will teach you control of the weight, discipline needed for success in any routine and confidence to execute your life goals.
When you think of resistance exercise; what image comes to mind?
Artist: Jonik CC-BY-SA 2.5
3 days, 4 day split, 5 day cross training, everyday…. no matter how you do it Weight Lifting is one of the best strength builders.
What do you do if you are living with a chronic illness?
recovering from an injury?
maybe needing to balance your energy levels with some other forms of resistance exercise?
"Blowing Leaves" by Jill Anderson is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Wind Bathing
Did you know that walking on a windy day is an ancient form of whole body resistance exercise?
In Ayurveda, Maruta Seva or wind bathing is the intentional breath and intake of wind. “It specifically relates to the yogic practice of pranayama – extending the breath, of becoming inherently tuned into deep, slow breathing using a long exhalation. It is about imbibing prana – the life force that surfs on the breath deep into our tissues. Specific problems such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema greatly benefit from this practice. Also people with a tendency to experience excessive anxiety and fear in their lives benefit from allowing breath into and out of themselves. It balances pranavahasrota – the channel carrying breath around the system. This has a direct effect on the nervous system.” positive health online
When you train in the wind, you feel the resistance in every muscle. The wind is unpredictable; it can be playful, a force to be reckoned with, the ultimate teacher. More recently popularized is the Dutch trend of uitwaaien - literally translated as “out blowing”. Add windy days to your outdoor exercise!
"Blue Moon 2012" by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Moon Bathing
The light of the moon has a quality of softness that is rejuvenating to the mind and spirit.
Bathing in the moonlight, walking and absorbing the moonlight energy, even taking a water bath while the moon rays stream through a window allow the body to receive a calming benefit. Similar to sun bathing, lying in the moon light allows your body a chance to reset your circadium rhythms and release natural melatonin.