This is necessary to sustain life.
With the technology we use daily it is easy and even expected that we will experience overload. This website is made to point the reader toward some of the techniques, methods and healing modalities that I have practiced for the last 40 years. It is organized by the concept of four planes of existence. You will find a page devoted to each of the four planes in the menu along with a resources page.
The purpose of Valiente is to empower each of us to maintain balance in our lives.
Chuck DeLozier, founder
There are many ancient teachings and religions that work with the orgainizational idea of planes of existence. Think of the planes as the different areas of your awareness that make up the real you, the whole self. We are all born with characteristics that lead us through life while we explore our interests. Some of the things that come most naturally to you are likely to be among your dominant planes. For instance, a person who likes to study and is always hungry for knowledge will likely have a dominant intellectual plane. If the same person is less comfortable working on their feet and exercise is considered a chore then it could be that the physical plane is under developed. We all need to develop our tertiary plane and strive to develop and balance our fourth and least developed plane. One of the things we can all do is identify which are our primary and secondary planes. There are resources for self tests and online guides. I will include a Valiente test in the near future for you to use.
We will have books, podcasts, and interviews for your intellectual plane while the emotional plane is filled with film and music currently.
On the physical plane we will work with various forms of exercise, diet and biofeedback techniques.
For the spiritual plane, the beautiful world wide web allows me to share some of the most incredible sites that you can explore and plan to visit if you want.
The planes are important to balance throughout your lifespan to truly grow as a human.
Lastly, Valiente will be working and documenting projects that specifically address the imbalances we all have with technology in our various communities. Where we need support from our allies and expert advice on best practices you will find some of the best technology activists groups in the world listed in the resource section.
Thank you for visiting.
Spanish, adj., = brave
Updated: January 2025